Albert Einstein’s documents publicly available

Albert Ein­stein is one of the most famous and most rec­og­nized physi­cists of the 20th cen­tury and one of the great­est sci­en­tific thinkers of all time. His insights have had pro­found influ­ence on the fun­da­men­tals of physics and the way we look at the uni­verse and the nature of space and time. He rev­o­lu­tion­ized our views of space and time, mat­ter and light, grav­i­ta­tion and the uni­verse as a whole.

Albert Ein­stein (1879−1955)

Not alone his Spe­cial and Gen­eral The­ory of Rel­a­tiv­ity pro­foundly affected our con­cep­tion of the world and laid the foun­da­tions for many of the sci­en­tific advances of the twen­ti­eth cen­tury. In a sin­gle year of his 20s, Albert Ein­stein pub­lished papers explain­ing the pho­to­elec­tric effect, Brown­ian motion, Spe­cial Rel­a­tiv­ity and E=mc². In his 30s, he came up with the the­ory of Gen­eral Rel­a­tiv­ity. In his early 40s, he won a Nobel Prize. As physi­cist Sean Car­roll put it:

If any sci­en­tist in recent mem­ory deserves to have every one of their words cap­tured and dis­trib­uted widely, it’s Albert Ein­stein.

Every­body can read through more than 5000 of Einstein’s orig­i­nal Papers and doc­u­ments from his first 44 years.
On 5th of Decem­ber 2014, the Prince­ton Uni­ver­sity Press, in part­ner­ship with the dig­i­tal pub­lish­ing plat­form Tizra, the Hebrew Uni­ver­sity of Jerusalem, and the Cal­i­for­nia Insti­tute of Tech­nol­ogy, had announced the launch of THE DIGITAL EINSTEIN PAPERS, a free and pub­licly acces­si­ble “web­site of the col­lected and trans­lated papers of Albert Ein­stein that allows read­ers to explore the writ­ings of the world’s most famous sci­en­tist as never before.” (See also here and here)

The Dig­i­tal Ein­stein Papers is an open-​access site for The Col­lected Papers of Albert Ein­stein, the ongo­ing pub­li­ca­tion of Einstein's mas­sive writ­ten legacy com­pris­ing more than 30,000 unique doc­u­ments.

THE DIGITAL EINSTEIN PAPERS web­site presents the com­plete con­tents of all 13 of the 14 vol­umes of The Col­lected Papers of Albert Ein­stein, pub­lished to date by the edi­tors of the Ein­stein Papers Project, in Einstein's orig­i­nal lan­guage Ger­man and trans­lated into Eng­lish.
The web­site con­tains 5,000 doc­u­ments cov­er­ing the first forty-​four years of Einstein’s life, up to and includ­ing the award of the Nobel Prize in Physics and his long voy­age to the Far East, cov­er­ing the writ­ings and cor­re­spon­dence of Ein­stein (1879−1955) from his youth to 1923.
Addi­tional mate­r­ial and vol­umes will be avail­able on the web­site approx­i­mately two years after each new vol­ume is pub­lished. The 14th print vol­ume, cov­er­ing the period from April 1923 through May 1925 and includ­ing Einstein's trip to South Amer­ica, was pub­lished in 2015.
Even­tu­ally, the web­site will pro­vide access to all of Einstein’s writ­ings and cor­re­spon­dence, accom­pa­nied by schol­arly anno­ta­tion and appa­ra­tus.

The Ein­stein Papers Project is engaged in one of the most ambi­tious schol­arly pub­lish­ing ven­tures under­taken in the his­tory of sci­ence. The Col­lected Papers of Albert Ein­stein pro­vides the first com­plete pic­ture of Einstein’s mas­sive writ­ten legacy.

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