Crucial new Higgs result to study the mysterious nature of mass

A gateway to new physics?

After an almost fifty year-​long search, the Higgs boson’s dis­cov­ery was finally announced in 2012. But even six years after the dis­cov­ery of the elu­sive par­ti­cle, many mys­ter­ies remain asso­ci­ated with the Higgs boson’s prop­er­ties and our under­stand­ing of the way mass is gen­er­ated, not only con­cern­ing the Higgs boson’s own mass - the the­ory pre­dicts a mass for the Higgs boson that is in strik­ing dis­agree­ment with the mea­sured value -, but also how the other ele­men­tary par­ti­cles obtain their mass due to the Higgs field or the Higgs (BEH) mech­a­nism.

A new result could give new clues on these remain­ing mys­ter­ies and, at the same time, offer hints to new physics.

The ATLAS and CMS exper­i­ments at the Large Hadron Col­lider at CERN have observed the top quark, the most mas­sive known ele­men­tary par­ti­cle, dis­cov­ered in 1995 at Fer­mi­lab in the US, directly inter­act­ing with the Higgs field.

This is a very impor­tant result ... one of the mile­stones in high-​energy physics.Fabio Cerutti

The dis­cov­ery was announced on Mon­day 4th of June at the Large Hadron Col­lider Physics (LHCP) 2018 con­fer­ence in Bologna. Both the ATLAS and the CMS exper­i­ment had searched for this phe­nom­e­non and both found clear evi­dence that it occurs.
The pre­sented results describe the obser­va­tion of the so-​called "ttH pro­duc­tion" process, the asso­ci­ated pro­duc­tion of the Higgs boson from two top quarks, a top and a top anti­quark.

One of the most impor­tant fea­tures of the Higgs boson is how it cou­ples to other par­ti­cles because all ele­men­tary par­ti­cles should obtain their mass due to the inter­ac­tion with the Higgs field.
To study this inter­ac­tion, the ATLAS and CMS researchers looked at how the Higgs boson decays, by mea­sur­ing the prob­a­bil­i­ties of the Higgs boson decay­ing in dif­fer­ent ways to other par­ti­cles.

Since the decay into a top quark pair is not pos­si­ble because even a sin­gle top quark is much heav­ier than the Higgs boson, they looked at the pro­duc­tion of Higgs bosons from top quarks, for a Higgs boson and a top and top anti­quark, found in a col­li­sion, so-​called asso­ci­ated pro­duc­tion of the Higgs boson with two top quarks, tth for short.

But mea­sur­ing the ttH pro­duc­tion process is dif­fi­cult because it is rare: only 1% of all Higgs bosons are pro­duced in asso­ci­a­tion with two top quarks and, in addi­tion, top quarks and Higgs bosons are never directly detected because they decay too rapidly and in many ways.

Using data from pro­ton – pro­ton col­li­sions col­lected at ener­gies of 7-​13 TeV, the ATLAS and CMS teams per­formed sev­eral inde­pen­dent searches for ttH pro­duc­tion, each tar­get­ing dif­fer­ent Higgs-​decay modes (to W bosons, Z bosons, pho­tons, τ lep­tons, and bottom-​quark jets). To max­i­mize the sen­si­tiv­ity, each exper­i­ment then com­bined the results from all of its searches.

ATLAS physi­cists for exam­ple exam­ined five years of col­li­sion data to achieve this result. “This was one of the most demand­ing searches ever car­ried out by the ATLAS Col­lab­o­ra­tion, requir­ing a con­certed effort from sev­eral analy­sis teams,” said Fabio Cerutti, ATLAS Higgs work­ing group con­vener.

The find­ings of the two exper­i­ments were found to be con­sis­tent with one another and with the stan­dard model.
Together, these results are a great step for­ward in study­ing the prop­er­ties of the Higgs boson and the ori­gins of mass, and on the other hand, they could give clues for where to look for new physics.
Since the Higgs boson inter­acts most strongly with top quarks and because of the strength of this inter­ac­tion, the results are an ideal lab­o­ra­tory to study the detailed nature of the ori­gins of mass and have the poten­tial to answer the remain­ing mys­ter­ies.
Yet undis­cov­ered heavy par­ti­cles refer­ring to new physics could like­wise par­tic­i­pate in the stud­ied process and alter the result. In this respect, the Higgs boson could also be seen as a por­tal to new physics.

ATLAS and CMS physi­cists on the new results.

For a deeper under­stand­ing of the Higgs boson and what it's all about, the under­ly­ing con­cepts and ideas lead­ing to its dis­cov­ery and beyond, read our eBook:
"The Mys­tery of the Higgs Boson"!

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