Nobel Prize goes to Gravitational Waves

An idea com­ing to mind long time ago

"The first direct obser­va­tion of grav­i­ta­tional waves by LIGO is an extra­or­di­nary demon­stra­tion of sci­en­tific vision and per­sis­tence. Through four decades of devel­op­ment of exquis­itely sen­si­tive instru­men­ta­tion - push­ing the capac­ity of our imag­i­na­tions — we are now able to glimpse cos­mic processes that were pre­vi­ously unde­tectable. It is truly the start of a new era in astro­physics," as Cal­tech pres­i­dent and pro­fes­sor of physics Thomas F. Rosen­baum had put it at the press con­fer­ence at Cal­tech on Octo­ber 3.

For decades, the direct evi­dence of grav­i­ta­tional waves had belonged to the great­est chal­lenges of mod­ern physics. Ein­stein had pre­dicted in 1916 that grav­i­ta­tional waves would exist, but thought them too weak to ever be detected. By the 1960s, tech­no­log­i­cal advances such as the laser and new insights into pos­si­ble astro­phys­i­cal sources made it con­ceiv­able that grav­i­ta­tional waves might actu­ally be detectable.

The first direct obser­va­tion of grav­i­ta­tional waves by LIGO is an extra­or­di­nary demon­stra­tion of sci­en­tific vision and per­sis­tence.- Thomas F. Rosen­baum

The first per­son to build a gravitational-​wave detec­tor was Joseph Weber of the Uni­ver­sity of Mary­land, build­ing detec­tors in the 1960s using large alu­minum cylin­ders, or bars, that would be dri­ven to vibrate by pass­ing grav­i­ta­tional waves. Other researchers like Ronald W. P. Drever at the Uni­ver­sity of Glas­gow in Scot­land fol­lowed.

When those exper­i­ments proved unsuc­cess­ful, the focus of the field shifted to a dif­fer­ent type of detec­tor called a gravitational-​wave inter­fer­om­e­ter.

The very idea for LIGO came from Rainer Weiss in the early 1970’s when he, as asso­ciate pro­fes­sor of physics at MIT, wanted to explain grav­i­ta­tional waves to his stu­dents. Later on, he pub­lished his ideas in the paper "Elec­tro­mag­net­i­cally Cou­pled Broad­band Grav­i­ta­tional Antenna" which laid out the blue­print for the Laser Inter­fer­om­e­ter Gravitational-​Wave Obser­va­tory. Ronald Drever's group, in 1973, in Glas­gow, also began to build a pro­to­type gravitational-​wave inter­fer­om­e­ter of the sort first envi­sioned by LIGO co-​founder Weiss.

LIGO Han­ford.
Credit: LIGO

Trans­form­ing LIGO from con­cept to real­ity, would take another 20 years. In 1975, a meet­ing between Rainer Weiss and Kip Thorne of Cal­tech, a the­o­ret­i­cal physi­cist study­ing grav­i­ta­tional waves since the late 1960s, would set into motion the devel­op­ment of one of the most com­pli­cated and risky sci­en­tific exper­i­ments ever con­ceived. Thorne’s con­tri­bu­tions in set­ting the astro­physics goals were cen­tral to the design of the Obser­va­to­ries and the first instru­ments.

In 1979, Thorne and col­leagues recruited Drever to Cal­tech as a pro­fes­sor of physics to ini­ti­ate a Cal­tech research group in gravitational-​wave exper­i­ments. In 1984, this group teamed up with Weiss's group at MIT and Thorne's Cal­tech the­ory group to cre­ate LIGO.

LIGO Liv­ingston.
Credit: LIGO

In 1989, Weiss and Thorne, along with Drever and numer­ous oth­ers who were then work­ing on the LIGO idea and grav­i­ta­tional wave physics, sub­mit­ted a pro­posal for LIGO to the U.S. National Sci­ence Foun­da­tion (NSF). The pro­posal included the orig­i­nal design for the instru­ment by Rainer Weiss, updated to include engi­neer­ing and tech­nol­ogy inno­va­tions that had occurred in the fol­low­ing years. The NSF approved the pro­posal, and in 1994 con­struc­tion began on the twin LIGO detec­tors in Han­ford, Wash­ing­ton and Liv­ingston, Louisiana.

That’s when Barry Bar­ish joined in. Bar­ish became LIGO Prin­ci­pal Inves­ti­ga­tor in 1994, help­ing to cre­ate, from a small group bring­ing up basic ideas, a large and broad team that actu­ally deliv­ered the obser­va­to­ries and hard­ware.

Bar­ish also cre­ated the LIGO of today: a col­lab­o­ra­tion of approx­i­mately 1,200 sci­en­tists and engi­neers at about 100 insti­tu­tions in 19 nations called the LIGO Sci­en­tific Col­lab­o­ra­tion (LSC), which con­ducted the sci­en­tific searches and analy­sis that led to the LIGO dis­cov­ery.
"In addi­tion to pick­ing the right tech­nolo­gies and devel­op­ing them, and secur­ing fund­ing, we needed to build a col­lab­o­ra­tion of the absolute best peo­ple pos­si­ble for this almost impos­si­ble project. Form­ing an inter­na­tional col­lab­o­ra­tion, the LSC, enabled this. We attracted the best peo­ple from other uni­ver­si­ties and coun­tries, cre­at­ing an 'equal oppor­tu­nity' col­lab­o­ra­tion, where there was no advan­tage to being at Cal­tech or MIT," said Bar­ish.

We needed to build a col­lab­o­ra­tion of the absolute best peo­ple pos­si­ble for this almost impos­si­ble project. - Barry Bar­ish

All three Nobel Prize recip­i­ents empha­sized the great impor­tance of the whole col­lab­o­ra­tion of sci­en­tists to make the first direct evi­dence of grav­i­ta­tional waves pos­si­ble. (LIGO Co-​founder Ronald Drever passed away on March 7, 2017.)

"The prize right­fully belongs to the hun­dreds of LIGO sci­en­tists and engi­neers who built and per­fected our com­plex gravitational-​wave inter­fer­om­e­ters, and the hun­dreds of LIGO and Virgo sci­en­tists who found the gravitational-​wave sig­nals in LIGO's noisy data and extracted the waves' infor­ma­tion. It is unfor­tu­nate that, due to the statutes of the Nobel Foun­da­tion, the prize has to go to no more than three peo­ple, when our mar­velous dis­cov­ery is the work of more than a thou­sand," Thorne said.

I am really moved by the vision of what’s going to be done over the com­ing decades.- Kip S. Thorne

On Sep­tem­ber 14, 2015, just after the Advanced LIGO inter­fer­om­e­ters began their first search for grav­i­ta­tional waves, they cap­tured a strong sig­nal which was revealed to come from the col­li­sion of two black holes 29 and 36 times more mas­sive than the sun and located 1.3 bil­lion light-​years from Earth. The LIGO sci­en­tists announced this dis­cov­ery to the world on Feb­ru­ary 11, 2016.

Since then, two addi­tional detec­tions of grav­i­ta­tional waves, again from merg­ing black holes, were made on Decem­ber 26, 2015, and Jan­u­ary 4, 2017, and, on August 14, 2017, a fourth event was detected by LIGO and the Euro­pean Virgo gravitational-​wave detec­tor which was announced at the end of Sep­tem­ber.

And there is yet much more expected to come in the future.

If you want to learn more about grav­i­ta­tional waves, from their the­o­ret­i­cal pre­dic­tion to the first detec­tion and beyond, stay tuned!

Our next Sci­ence­Quest edi­tion will be about "The Mys­tery of Grav­i­ta­tional Waves".

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