Nobel Prize goes to Gravitational Waves

On Octo­ber 3, this year’s Nobel Prize in physics was awarded jointly to physi­cists Rainer Weiss, emer­i­tus pro­fes­sor at MIT, Kip S. Thorne and Barry C. Bar­ish, both emer­i­tus pro­fes­sors at Cal­tech 
"for deci­sive con­tri­bu­tions to the LIGO detec­tor and the obser­va­tion of grav­i­ta­tional waves," as the Nobel Prize Com­mit­tee put it.

Rainer Weiss

Kip S. Thorne

Barry C. Bar­ish

All three sci­en­tists made impor­tant con­tri­bu­tions to the idea, the devel­op­ment and ulti­mate suc­cess of the Laser Inter­fer­om­e­ter Gravitational-​wave Obser­va­tory (LIGO), lead­ing to the very first detec­tion of grav­i­ta­tional waves and mark­ing a whole new era in observ­ing our uni­verse.

More than 100 years after grav­i­ta­tional waves had been pre­dicted by Albert Ein­stein, their exis­tence was finally con­firmed using LIGO and with the help of more than 1,000 researchers from over 100 insti­tu­tions and 18 coun­tries.

Rainer Weiss: Press con­fer­ence at MIT con­fer­ence at MIT con­fer­ence at MIT

It’s really won­der­ful,” Rainer Weiss said after hear­ing of the prize. “But I view this more as a thing that is rec­og­niz­ing the work of about 1,000 peo­ple, a ded­i­cated effort that’s been going on for, I hate to tell you, as long as 40 years.”

Grav­i­ta­tional waves, first pre­dicted by Ein­stein in 1916 - who him­self didn’t believe they would ever be detected - were observed for the very first time on 14th of Sep­tem­ber 2015, the dis­cov­ery being announced on Feb­ru­ary 11, 2016.

Each of the twin LIGO obser­va­to­ries - one in Han­ford, Wash­ing­ton, and the other in Liv­ingston, Louisiana - detected the weak sig­nal of grav­i­ta­tional waves gen­er­ated 1.3 bil­lion years ago when two black holes had spi­raled together and col­lided.

B. Bar­ish and K. Thorne at Cal­tech press con­fer­ence

Gravitational-​wave astron­omy rep­re­sents a whole new way to study the uni­verse. While astron­omy so far was mainly based on the obser­va­tion of elec­tro­mag­netic waves, the detec­tion of grav­i­ta­tional waves offers new pos­si­bil­i­ties to probe the most vio­lent processes in the uni­verse.

What are gravitational waves?

In Einstein’s Gen­eral the­ory of rel­a­tiv­ity, grav­i­ta­tion is no force any­more, but a man­i­fes­ta­tion of the geom­e­try of space­time which is curved. A mass rep­re­sents the source of such a space­time cur­va­ture. Large masses like black holes curve space­time. If non-​spherically sym­met­ric masses move accel­er­ated, they pro­duce defor­ma­tions in space­time which have to adjust to the new con­fig­u­ra­tion. These per­tur­ba­tions, rip­ples in space­time are prop­a­gat­ing with the veloc­ity of light in the form of a wave.

Ani­ma­tion show­ing the merger of two black holes and the grav­i­ta­tional waves rip­pling out­ward

Credit:LIGO Lab Cal­tech : MIT

While elec­tro­mag­netic waves pro­duced by accel­er­ated charges prop­a­gate in space­time, grav­i­ta­tional waves gen­er­ated by the accel­er­a­tion of masses are waves of the space­time struc­ture itself. And other than elec­tro­mag­netic waves, grav­i­ta­tional waves inter­act only very weakly with mat­ter and can pen­e­trate every­thing with­out los­ing inten­sity. Thus, very far­away regions and objects in the uni­verse can be stud­ied and very vio­lent processes like the col­li­sion and merg­ing of black holes.

Due to the prop­a­ga­tion of a grav­i­ta­tional wave, a peri­odic stretch­ing and com­pres­sion of space per­pen­dic­u­lar to the prop­a­ga­tion direc­tion arises. The dis­tances between objects change, but these changes in length are tiny. With the help of high-​precision laser inter­fer­om­e­ters, these can be mea­sured.


LIGO’s multi-​kilometer-​scale grav­i­ta­tional wave detec­tors use laser inter­fer­om­e­try to mea­sure the rip­ples in space­time caused by pass­ing grav­i­ta­tional waves from cos­mic sources such as the merg­ers of pairs of neu­tron stars or black holes, or by super­novae. LIGO con­sists of two widely sep­a­rated inter­fer­om­e­ters within the United States - one in Han­ford, Wash­ing­ton and the other in Liv­ingston, Louisiana - oper­ated in uni­son to detect grav­i­ta­tional waves.

At each obser­va­tory, the 2 1/​2-​mile (4-​km) long, L-​shaped LIGO inter­fer­om­e­ter uses laser light split into two beams that travel back and forth down the arms (four-​foot diam­e­ter tubes kept under a near-​perfect vac­uum). The beams are used to mon­i­tor the dis­tance between mir­rors pre­cisely posi­tioned at the ends of the arms. Accord­ing to Einstein’s the­ory, the dis­tance between the mir­rors will change by an infin­i­tes­i­mal amount when a grav­i­ta­tional wave passes by the detec­tor. A change in the lengths of the arms smaller than one-​ten-​thousandth the diam­e­ter of a pro­ton (10-19 meter) can be detected.

Grav­i­ta­tional radi­a­tion, pro­duced by the accel­er­a­tion of masses, is so pen­e­trat­ing that noth­ing per­turbs its trav­el­ing to the earth.

As Rainer Weiss put it: “This makes you look for things you have never seen before. And you can look at things you already know in a dif­fer­ent way. “

What is mea­sured, are the ampli­tudes of the strains of grav­i­ta­tional waves, which is a par­tic­u­larly dif­fi­cult chal­lenge. That's why Ein­stein actu­ally thought grav­i­ta­tional waves would never be detected and never play a role in sci­ence.

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