Peter Higgs and the Higgs Boson

Image Credit: CERN

Peter Ware Higgs, the physi­cist born on 29th of May 1929 in New­cas­tle upon Tyne, UK, to whom the Higgs boson owes its name, pub­lished the papers in 1964 which resulted in a 50 year long search for this elu­sive par­ti­cle.
The Higgs boson was finally dis­cov­ered with the world’s largest and most pow­er­ful par­ti­cle col­lider, the Large Hadron Col­lider (LHC) at the Euro­pean Orga­ni­za­tion for Nuclear Research CERN.

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Albert Einstein’s documents publicly available

Albert Ein­stein is one of the most famous and most rec­og­nized physi­cists of the 20th cen­tury and one of the great­est sci­en­tific thinkers of all time. His insights have had pro­found influ­ence on the fun­da­men­tals of physics and the way we look at the uni­verse and the nature of space and time. He rev­o­lu­tion­ized our views of space and time, mat­ter and light, grav­i­ta­tion and the uni­verse as a whole.
Con­tinue read­ing "Albert Einstein’s doc­u­ments pub­licly avail­able"