What’s up with the Higgs since its groundbreaking discovery?

Did physicists find what they expected?

ATLAS also pre­sented searches for Higgs decays to par­ti­cles not present in the Stan­dard Model – for exam­ple “dark” Z bosons, pos­si­ble hints to the elu­sive dark mat­ter – but no evi­dence for a decay to such bosons was found.

Also CMS exam­ined five decay chan­nels (where the Higgs boson trans­forms into pairs of W bosons, Z bosons, pho­tons, tau (τ) lep­tons or b quarks) and obtained a result about 17% above the pre­dic­tions, which is com­pat­i­ble with the Stan­dard Model but not per­fectly so. CMS also looked for Higgs decays to forms of “invis­i­ble” mat­ter but found no evi­dence for these processes at the present level of sen­si­tiv­ity.

ATLAS and CMS also mea­sured the mass of the Higgs boson with a pre­ci­sion up to 12% higher than before, using advances in analy­sis tech­niques com­bined with larger data sets avail­able thanks to the excep­tional per­for­mance of the LHC in the last few years. Their mea­sure­ments of the Higgs mass are 124.98 ± 0.28 GeV and 125.26 ± 0.21 GeV respec­tively.

CMS has also released more than 15 direct searches for new physics using the full 2016 dataset. These exotic searches pro­vide new strin­gent lim­its on exotic decays of the Higgs boson, dark mat­ter sce­nar­ios, hypo­thet­i­cal par­ti­cles such as lep­to­quarks, new heavy gauge bosons, long-​lived par­ti­cles and sev­eral super­sym­me­try sce­nar­ios.

So far it seems clear that the Higgs boson, whose dis­cov­ery was announced in 2012, looks like the ele­men­tary par­ti­cle pre­dicted by the stan­dard model, but this could still be ques­tioned.

What high energy physics might still reveal in the future remains all the more uncer­tain and excit­ing. The hope surely is to even­tu­ally find devi­a­tions from the stan­dard model that may pro­vide con­crete evi­dence for new physics beyond the stan­dard model. There­fore, the search for rare final states pos­si­bly devi­at­ing from the pre­dic­tion of the the­ory is of great­est inter­est.

The analy­sis of the data obtained at the LHC so far couldn’t ren­der any indi­ca­tions for new physics yet.
The par­ti­cle physics of the future might need even more pow­er­ful par­ti­cle accel­er­a­tors. CERN itself has already dealt with first fea­si­bil­ity stud­ies for a Future Cir­cu­lar Col­lider (FCC) in a ring tun­nel with up to 100 km cir­cum­fer­ence, which could be built after the planned oper­a­tional life­time of the LHC in about 20 years.
Other accel­er­a­tors which could out­strip the LHC as the most pow­er­ful par­ti­cle accel­er­a­tor are dis­cussed as well.

In any case, it remains excit­ing to see what the future brings.

For a deeper under­stand­ing of the Higgs boson and what it's all about, the under­ly­ing con­cepts and ideas lead­ing to its dis­cov­ery and beyond, read our eBook: "The Mys­tery of the Higgs Boson"

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