Charmonium Physics at LHCb

On 13th of Sep­tem­ber, the LHCb exper­i­ment at CERN pre­sented a mea­sure­ment of the masses of two par­tic­u­lar par­ti­cles with a pre­ci­sion that is unprece­dented at a col­lider like the LHC. Until then, pre­cise stud­ies of these “char­mo­nium” par­ti­cles were only pos­si­ble with purpose-​built exper­i­ments and seemed impos­si­ble to be achieved at a hadron col­lider.

Char­mo­nium physics is a very pow­er­ful tool for a deeper under­stand­ing of the strong inter­ac­tion between quarks and thus Quan­tum Chro­mo­dy­nam­ics (QCD).

The first char­mo­nium par­ti­cle, the J/​ψ meson, was dis­cov­ered on the 11th of Novem­ber 1974. This dis­cov­ery trig­gered rapid changes in high-​energy physics at the time and these are com­monly referred to as the "Novem­ber Rev­o­lu­tion". The lead­ing sci­en­tists Bur­ton Richter and Samuel Chao Chung Ting were rewarded with the 1976 Nobel Prize in Physics for their shared dis­cov­ery.

What are Charmonium particles?

Accord­ing to the stan­dard model of mat­ter, all hadrons, i.e., par­ti­cles with quarks as con­stituents, are made of at least 2 quarks. All three-​quark par­ti­cles are clas­si­fied as baryons, all two- quark par­ti­cles as mesons. Whereas sta­ble mat­ter must be bary­onic, all mesons are unsta­ble and have only an aver­age life­time of 10-8 s or shorter. Any type of quark can bind together with any type of anti­quark to make the mesons.

How­ever, only the charm (c) and bot­tom (b) quarks can form bound states hav­ing spec­tra and energy lev­els rem­i­nis­cent of the ones of atoms.

Char­mo­nium refers to a class of com­pos­ite par­ti­cles formed when a charm quark (c) binds to a charm anti­quark (c).
Strictly speak­ing, the term par­ti­cle is mis­lead­ing some­how because all char­mo­nium par­ti­cles con­sist of the very same ele­men­tary build­ing blocks (cc). Though, the cc-sys­tem can exist at dif­fer­ent energy lev­els. In this con­text, we should rather think of dif­fer­ent states of the cc-sys­tem, instead of each char­mo­nium state as a dif­fer­ent par­ti­cle on its own.

The low­est energy state of such a sys­tem is the ground state whereas the ener­get­i­cally higher char­mo­nium states are con­sid­ered as excited states of the char­mo­nium sys­tem.

For his­tor­i­cal rea­sons, char­mo­nium states were named as par­ti­cles of their own. E.g., the ground state of a char­mo­nium sys­tem is called ηc (eta) meson, the first excited state of the same char­mo­nium sys­tem is called J/​ψ (J/​psi) meson, and so forth. Each state has its char­ac­ter­is­tic energy level.

The char­mo­nium states can be seen in anal­ogy to the excited states of the hydro­gen atom which is formed from a pro­ton and an elec­tron bound together by the elec­tro­mag­netic force. The elec­tro­mag­netic field between the pro­ton and the elec­tron and there­fore the exis­tence of an elec­tro­mag­netic poten­tial is par­al­leled by the stor­ing of energy within the two-​particle sys­tem. From a sim­pli­fied point of view, we could imag­ine that the elec­tron orbits the pro­ton. There­fore, an elec­tron in a 'higher' orbit is equiv­a­lent to a higher energy state of the two-​particle sys­tem.

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